Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Just wanted all my blog followers to know that I made it home last night safely. It's good to be home. I had a great time in the D.R. but there's just something special about being home. I'm definitely more grateful than ever for the many blessings we have here in the good ole USA like hot water and paved roads to run on that are void of Dominican/Haitian people staring at you like you're crazy for exercising.

1) 2 of my teammates from Wheaton, Charity and Katie, are still in the D.R. for another week so please continue to lift them up in prayer.
2) I will be traveling to Oklahoma tomorrow morning for my friend Kayli's wedding. The big day is Saturday but I'm a bridesmaid so the festivities begin Thursday for us.

Thank you all for your love and support (especially in prayer) over the past 5 weeks! I'm happy to share with you about my trip at any time. Email me. I will also be having a get together on August 8th. There'll be dessert, pictures and stories. Hope you all can make it. My mom should have sent you an email so email her if you are planning to come. God bless!

One more thing...I'll try to add a few more pictures to the blog next week so you all can get a better visual of my experience. Blessings to you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

O the Joy of Read Alouds

Yesterday I had the opportunity to read the story, Los tres chivitos gruff (The Three Billygoats Gruff), to my second grade class. It´s one of my favorite children´s books. I enjoyd it and so did they. I was really glad that I had opporunity to help teach something other than just geography. I am especially fond of reading stories out loud to little ones. It gives me joy and it gives them joy and joy is a beautiful thing. Doing a read aloud is great prep for this fall when I´m student teaching and it´s fun!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 Things I´m Thankful For

1) I get to shower at the end of each day.
2) I get to play with kids everday as much as I want.
3) God is always with me and reminds me of this often.